Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Today we did mostly the same things as yesterday in the morning but in the middle block we had five minutes to write as many sentences as we could about sports. Then we had to add up all our words and write the number on the side of our page and Mrs Brown ( our Teacher on Wednesdays ) told us the national standard for our age and then if we didn't have enough she said that it's because it's the first time we've ever done it. After that, we went to the Library and got some more books to read in class.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Today in the morning Room 1 went to different classes for maths then we did some R.E. In the middle block we went with Mrs Young and we went to Room 4 for Music and Drama. We learnt a dance called the Tofa Tafa it was fun. Then we found a partner and told them things about us then they told Mrs Young and the class so they would know more about us. In the afternoon we had to look at our Newspaper Report and write down what stage we are and what we need to put in our writing what we need to get to the next stage. Heres a picture of the describe sheet we all used.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Building the Colosseum

Today for reading we had an article to read about why the Romans built the Colosseum, we were using our Self Monitoring strategy as we read.
In the afternoon Mrs Smallbone showed us this short movie clip about  building the Colosseum and also how the Romans used it.
As we watched we took notes on a SOLO Describe Map, we will need these to write our descriptions later in the week.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Budgie Escape Artist!!

Today started like any other day, Mrs Smallbone arrived and was getting ready for the day...when suddenly she realised that Harriet the Budgie was sitting on top of her cage...not inside it!
There was a bit of "Budgie chasing" and Mr Volshank was summoned to help. With one flap of the blanket he had Harriet captured and back behind bars.
Harriet has been asleep for a lot of the day, quite worn out from her adventure.
Mr Beckham the caretaker came and rewired a loose bar on her cage where we think she slipped out from...maybe she has another secret life after dark...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

3, 2, 1, Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday Mrs Smallbone! Today at morning tea time some of the class planned a surprise birthday party for Mrs Smallbone. There was lots of running around and noise, but we got it done eventually! We have sparkles everywhere and had lots of  Lollies. There is a Delicious cake waiting to be eaten.

Samuel brought his Bugs in to class.

Class News Time - Samuel brought his cicada in to class . He told us all about them like where and how the cicada lays their eggs and how much damage to trees. They lay their eggs and when they have they die but when they are born they look very weird like an ant. First the adult lays its eggs the eggs make damage on the trees. Then the eggs hatch into tiny ant like nymphs. Next the nymphs drops to the ground then digs and stays under the ground for 3-5 years. They eat sap from the roots of the tree. After that they pop out of the ground, climb up the tree then sheds its skin and turns into a cicada and flies away. after 2-4 weeks the female cicada lays its eggs and dies! Happy hunting for bugs.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Although the school traditionally does not celebrate Valentines day, Scooter Szilagyi, who is used to celebrations on February 14th, brought in several solid chocolate cookies with red frosting for the class. However, on account of making 4 extras, he soon found the entire class (or, almost the entire class) begging for seconds. He eventually decided to put the cookies in his backpack. "I'm honestly suprised it wasn't a picture of the entire class pushing me everywhere and trying to snatch the cookies"-Scooter

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This morning we went to our school swimming program called swim it. We have swimming instructors from the Rotorua Aquatic center. Nothing like a good swim.